BRC research FAQs
Why is the British Retail Consortium undertaking this research?
The British Retail Consortium (BRC) has commissioned this research to explore the non-retail member offer for Partners, Associates, Data Subscribers and Data Distributors at the BRC. The research seeks to understand how current, potential and lapsed non-retail members engage with the BRC, and what it is they value from their relationship with the BRC and how this relationship can be improved.
What type of consultation has been commissioned?
The BRC has commissioned Research by Design, an independent market research company, to conduct a series of depth interviews with its non-retail membership.
Interviews are expected to take place from late September to the end of October.
What assurances do I have that Research by Design is a bona fide market research company?
Research by Design is an independent market research company that has been commissioned by the BRC to undertake research on its behalf. Research by Design operates under the Market Research Society’s (MRS) Code of Conduct, which ensures that research participants’ anonymity is protected and that information provided is kept strictly confidential.
Research by Design’s website is:
What about data protection?
Research by Design is registered as a Data Controller to undertake research in any field, including market, health, lifestyle, scientific or technical research, under the UK GDPR, the EU GDPR, and the Data Protection Act 1998 as applicable; registration number Z5405593.
Research by Design is committed to meeting the requirements of the following laws and codes:
- The UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR)
- The EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR)
- Data Protection Act 1998 and the new Data Protection Bill 2017
- ICC/ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research) International Code on Market and Social Research.
You can review Research by Design’s privacy policy here: Privacy Policy.
How will I be invited to participate in a depth interview?
Research by Design will send an email invitation to participate in a depth interview. The invitation emails will be sent out from mid-late September. The email will have the subject line: ‘Invitation to participate in BRC Associate Membership Research’.
This email will contain a link where invited Associate Members will be able to select a date and time to have their interview with Research by Design.
The BRC will not know who Research by Design has invited or which non-retail members will take part in a depth interview.
How will interviews be conducted?
Interviews will take place using Microsoft Teams (a Teams invite will be sent to you after you have confirmed a date and a time). You will need to have a reliable internet connection, and access to a laptop or smartphone with both audio and visual capability to participate.
These interviews will be recorded. We will seek your consent for recording prior to the recording beginning. These recordings will not be shared with the BRC. The interviews will not be observed by the BRC.
How long will depth interviews last for?
Each individual depth interview is likely to last up to 45 minutes.
How will my responses be used?
All insights and findings from the depth interviews will be aggregated and reported together. All of your responses will remain anonymous and confidential. Specific comments will not be attributed to any individual (unless you agree otherwise).
If you wish to speak to the BRC about the research, please contact Fraser Tant, at [email protected].
If you would like to speak to Research by Design, please call on 0121 643 9090 or email Ben Harris, Associate Director, at [email protected].